What to Expect in Lawrenceville

Prior to the examination, our doctor Hung Vuong, DC in Lawrenceville will conduct a thorough health history with you to allow a better understanding of the condition. A detailed chiropractic examination for vertebral subluxation will follow the health history. If a vertebral subluxation is located during the examination, you will be recommended to have x-rays taken in order to establish the exact misalignment of the spinal bones 3-Dimensionally. Depending on the situation, not all individuals will have their x-rays taken. We will not take x-rays of most patients who are pregnant. Atlas Orthogonal work requires accuracy and precision; therefore, a systematic analysis technique and instruments were specifically designed to help measure how the first bone in the spine is abnormally placed. Information that is obtained from the x-rays is necessary to determine the particular adjustment to correct the subluxation.
A full report of findings will follow the first visit, which includes examination and x-ray findings. You are encouraged to bring your spouse or significant other on the second visit so that they have a better understanding of the nature of your health. Throughout this process, if you have any questions or concerns, doctor Vuong will be glad to answer them. Once the findings report determines if you are qualified for chiropractic care, you will receive your first Atlas Orthogonal adjustment. Subsequent to the first and second visits, Dr. Vuong will analyze and adjust you if needed through Atlas Orthogonal protocol. Please understand that the treatment period it takes to correct any of your health conditions will depend on how long they have subsisted and their severity.
Be in Control of Your Health
Not only are we determined to help alleviate your health conditions, but our main goal is to empower our patient family to understand where real health comes from and how to keep it for life ! We are committed to serve and will provide the highest quality care for our patients. We are looking forward to working together with you to achieve your health goals!
weekend appointments available
9:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 3:00pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm
Hung Vuong, DC
2775 Cruse Road Ste 2603
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
(470) 682-9229